Friday, March 30, 2018

For the Northern Hemisphere*, at sundown tonight (March 30, 2018), the Passover Holy Day cycle begins... the annual cycle of positive fullness. 
  • We celebrate its arrival with flavorful, leaven-free meals and good intentions the first 2 nights (Mar 30 and Mar 31st, 2018) ... near sundown is a special time as that is the start of Hebrew day and when the Passover moon is glowing
  • Starting at this sundown for 8 days we:
    • Remove leaven (ie: yeast in our physical food, fermentation in our lives, ect) 
    • Focus on raising our awareness
    • Contemplate the meaning of Passover/Resurrection and the cycles in our lives
    • Pull energy inward for spiritual growth including enjoying the most powerful moon of the year - The Passover Full Moon
(*) Northern Hemisphere includes:  North America, the northern part of South America, Europe, the northern two-thirds of Africa, and most of Asia.

Passover starts at sundown tonight (March 30, 2018), it is the sundown directly before the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox (length of the daylight equals the length of the darkness). The significance of the Vernal Spring Equinox Full Moon is that the earth is in balance... at a time of balance (Vernal Equinox), the sun (male) is rising into the positive cycle when the moon (female) phase is full thus fully reflecting a corresponding positive. The male and female are in union.The Spring Equinox marks the start of the positive cycle as earth is tilted toward the sun with equal days and nights. And the moon is also in its positive cycle at Passover, fully reflecting the sun’s light.

This strong Passover Full Moon in conjunction with the sun rising into the northern hemisphere, moves the Laws within your body which provides you a greater opportunity for soul-birth ultimately by drawing nearer to the soul-self. In the Hebrew calendar, there are 2 New Years ... fall being the time of physical birth and spring the time of spiritual birth. Overall the objective is to maintain a heightened level of consciousness -- channeling the higher energy level within you, which you can use to increase your awareness. 

This is a special cosmic interval where you can channel some of the energy that is lost into nature through mechanical religious rituals and redirect it inward. During Passover and Easter, there are great numbers of Christians and Jews following their ritualized prayers in an external manner -- and they are actually giving off energy which is drawn into a cosmic heightened state. It is possible to harness that excess lost energy during certain cosmic intervals and direct it inward in order to assist you in breaking down your own inner limitations -- seeking greater depth within yourself. Often, women can feel this energy which is very lunar, and they can not only channel it within themselves, but they can pass it on into their husbands.This is not being selfish or taking something from others, it is recognizing the cycles/patterns and choosing to use them as designed for spiritual growth.

It is interesting that the start of Passover this year falls on Good Friday as well as the Passover Moon being the 2nd full moon this month. Several rare occurrences bundled together. Is this a correspondence of some sort or just coincidence? Ponder the connection between: Passover, The Last Supper and Resurrection... the cosmic window is open! 

Since soul-birth is achieved through incremental levels climbing up Jacob's Ladder, each Passover should be a time of achieving new and greater heights. One more step! The deeper meaning and significance of this Holy Day is between you and your Soul-self.

Note: See the Spring Holy Day Article posted on this blog in 2015 for more specific details on the Spring Holy Day Observance

Saturday, March 28, 2015

Spring Holy Days

What are the Spring Holy Days and why do we observe them each year?:

Passover is a time to remember and commemorate the Exodus from Egypt and to focus on using this positive annual window to raise consciousness.

In the same way that Paul stated that the account of Abraham was an allegory (see Gal 4:21-27), so too was the historical account of the Passover -- i.e., the slaughter of the first-born Egyptian sons, the escape from Egypt, the parting of the Red Sea, and the journey through the wilderness for 40 years, was all an allegorical portrayal of important Laws that must be fulfilled within one's own self as the disciples seeks to enter the Kingdom -- which is portrayed as the Promised Land in the Torah.   The Law of Moses could only take the Children of Israel to a certain point in their journey, in the allegorical portrayal while Moses was able to lead them through the wilderness, it was Joshua (Yeshua/Jesus) who had to lead them across the Jordan and into the Promised Land.   And when the spiritual meaning of the allegory is understood, this reality remains true even in our present day.    Which means that the opening of the mind of the disciples -- as well as the personal and spiritual meaning of the scriptures where it is written: "Then opened He their understanding, that they might understand the scriptures" (Luke 24:45) -- possesses an entirely different meaning than what is generally realized by the modern faith-based congregation of believers. 

Yeshua/Jesus was crucified on the Passover, because from the perspective of the Final Birth, the Passover is representative of the most important Laws that a soul can embrace, utilize, and ultimately harness to bring about the Fulfillment of the Royal Law of Creator-God. Wise men have always utilized the Natural Forces of the earth and universe to their advantage -- and in the same way that a strong wind can carry a ship from one continent to another, a wise man who possesses the knowledge of the Forces and Laws of the earth can then harness those Laws to bring about both a Higher Manifestation of Consciousness and Reality within him -- which then enables a disciple of TheWay to bring about the next stage of birth.    When rightly understood, the scriptures are in fact a text book on the Forces and Laws of Mind and Being that has the power to open the seekers mind to a higher reality that few men are even aware of -- and ultimately enable the seeker/disciple to achieve Oneness with God.  

As you read about Passover and the Exodus from Egypt and ponder other spring traditions like Easter, perhaps it would be useful to think about:  
How does that apply to me personally?
What can I do to take advantage of the special time?

It is also suggested to read Allan’s page on Easter –vs- Passover at:

Spring Holy Days -  Passover
Passover starts at sundown, before the first full moon, after the Vernal Equinox (length of the daylight equals the length of the darkness). The Passover moon is the strongest of the year. On occasion there is a super-moon, when the moon is the closest to earth. If you are sensitive to energy then you may even feel your body vibrate as you draw energy from the Moon. For those who can feel the lunar energy, on the night of the Passover the power of the moon exceeds that of the sun -- i.e., it is a time of absolute feminine fullness.   The objective of seekers is to use this heightened energy as a catalyst to raise consciousness and penetrate to greater depths of mind within yourself.  

This strong Passover Full Moon in conjunction with the sun rising into the northern hemisphere, moves the Laws within your body which provides you a greater opportunity for soul-birth -- or drawing nearer to the soul-self.   In the Hebrew calendar there are two New Years -- i.e., the New Year in the fall is the time of physical birth -- and many of the original scriptures had Yeshua's birth on that day. Passover is the time of soul and spiritual birth -- and it denotes the spiritual transcending of the physical.

As a family, we use the unleavened bread -- lots of fruit and natural foods -- non-processed cheeses -- kosher grape juice and a little wine.   The objective is to maintain a heightened level of consciousness -- channeling the higher energy level within you -- which you can use to increase your conscious awareness.
During the Passover and Easter there are great numbers of Christians and Jews doing their ritualized prayers in an external manner -- and they are actually giving off energy which is drawn into a cosmic heightened state.   Often, women can feel this energy which is very lunar, and they can not only channel it within themselves, but they can pass it on into their husbands.

Passover is one of those cosmic intervals where you can channel some of the energy that is lost into nature by the vast majority of people who dwell in an unconscious stupor, and direct it inward in order to assist you in breaking down your own inner limitations -- seeking greater depth within yourself.  Of course, it helps to be prepared by living a holistic lifestyle and building upon the proper mindset -- feeding the mind with the proper thought-impressions -- and thus, a prepared mind and body, is able to utilize this cosmic interval in the endeavor to find greater depth within one's self. And if you are aware of not only the multitude within yourself -- but also of your higher soul-self -- you can utilize this power created by the cosmic interval to achieve greater birth within you.   This is why from a biblical perspective, physical birth is at the biblical New Year -- while the cycle of spiritual birth is at the Passover. 

Since soul-birth is achieved through incremental levels climbing up Jacob's Ladder, each Passover should be a time of achieving new and greater heights.The deeper meaning and significance of this Holy Day is between you and your Soul-self.

As you do in the physical, you do in the mind.

Passover Preparation and Celebration:
There is a focus on creating movement for the upcoming Holy Day, especially for the children. So, on the day of the feast...we want the children to be excited with anticipation. In turn, they help in the preparation, the cleaning, the cooking, the shopping, and talking about the Biblical story behind the Day.  

Ritual and tradition are important for children, and for families; that is something to consider for any celebrations. Rituals done for the sake of ritual can bring awareness. Rituals done with awareness can help us move the mind forward and develop consciousness.

When a large group of seekers are all in accord, as when all Jews celebrate the Passover at the prescribed instance of Cosmic Balance, the physical actually supercharges the soul and spiritual. Likewise, when the sun crosses over the equator, and the moon is full and reflects its Power, it can be likened to a Cosmic Sustained Elevated Energy Flow that the body of praying and Spiritual people can move upon and within in their endeavor to manifest the Kingdom in their body-vessel and their lives.    And a person of Wisdom becomes highly cognizant of these cycles that are presented both in the Bible and throughout life itself.   Thus, the Passover was instituted first in the scriptures, and they by Yeshua, because it is a time when the solar-male energy has returned to fullness as it crosses over the equator, and the lunar-feminine energy is full in a cycle of cosmic ovulation.   And since the lunar cycles affect the waters of the earth -- and our physical bodies are 90% water -- and women's own ovulation cycles are influenced by the moon -- these cycles can greatly enhance our efforts to bring about what Yeshua portrayed as the necessary subsequent stages of birth.

Preparation:  Starts as soon as possible!

In preparation we cook special foods, clean everything in sight...making sure we clean all the corners in our home, we give clothes to those in need, and most importantly, we remove leavened food from the cupboards and replace it with matzo and matzo meal. The children have voted shopping the most important and the most fun preparing for a feast...fruit and plenty of candy are theirs to enjoy this week. Watching "The Prince of Egypt" on DVD during the week prior to Passover is a popular enjoyment for the children.

Preparing your body and mind to be good ground for this special spiritual time can start as early as you are ready and may include things such as:

  • Read about the Exodus and Passover and Stages of Birth
  • Cleanse your body … Fasting, Fresh Air, Pure Water, Conscious Breathing
  • Clear your home of excess… declutter and pass those things to others who can use them
  • Finish unfinished projects or cancel them
  • Spend time in nature …. walk among the trees and animals, hear the sounds of nature, gaze upon water and see your own reflection there, feel the sunlight on your face, cooled by the breeze, plant a new perennial in your yard and watch it grow and change through the seasons
  • Remove the leaven from your home and your heart
  • Sage your home
  • Silence your brain and check in with your heart ( ie: pray, meditate, ponder, sing)
  • Plan a wonderful feast for the start of Passover.. which is at the First Sundown of the First Full Moon following the Spring Equinox
  • Involve all members of the family and friends in getting ready

Celebration:    Passover starts at Sundown on April 3rd, 2015

That first night of Passover (Sunset on the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox), we are all excited and someone tells the story of Exodus from Egypt. The children also like to help and they interact with the story telling. They get wide-eyed when told about the Angel of Death passing over "Israel" (meaning seeker) in Egypt and killing the first-born sons.

The favorite part is when we go through the plagues. After each plague Pharaoh is going to let the slaves go. And then we ask them, "But what happens?" In unison they reply, "God hardened Pharaoh's heart and he wouldn't let them go." One of the children then says, "He wouldn't release the slaves, so God sent another plague."
While this story is being told we are enjoying many different foods and enjoy our time with family and friends… enjoying the positive cycle that Passover ushers in each year.

Contemplation and Remembrance:  7 Days

Then for seven days we eat matzo and food that is unleavened.  

In Exodus, the Jews had to leave by night so quickly that the bread did not have time to rise, so it was unleavened bread during the escape from Egypt. Additionally in general, the biblical references to leaven imply sin and disobedience. While the opposite is unleavened bread, the manna from heaven.

Exodus 12:33-34, Leviticus 23:4-8, 1 Corinthians 5:6-8

Also during this time, we focus on raising our consciousness. Spend quality time with family and friends. Spend quality time with yourself! Take time to think about these things during this special cosmic window of balance and union, Passover:

  • What do the slaves and Egypt represent in my life?
  • What are the plagues I battle? Why?
  • Where is my Moses personality? Where is my Pharaoh personality?
  • Why were the first born sons killed?
  • Why only unleavened bread during Passover and what does leaven represent in me?
  • Why do we even keep the Holy Days?
  • What pattern are they trying to teach?
  • Why was Passover designated as the timing for Jesus’ Last Supper, Crucifixion and Resurrection?

Blessings on your Passover......
May you exodus from Egypt and be
on your way to the Promised Land.

When are the Spring Holy Days Observed? :

Passover starts at the sundown immediately before the first full moon of the Spring Equinox

o    Passover 2015 starts at Sundown on April 3, 2015 (in the US and Canada…  see notes below for calculating Holy Days in other areas/time zones)

o    Sundown at the start of Passover opens with a sweet, leaven-free feast and the reading of the  biblical Exodus

o    Then unleavened bread for 7 days

  •      Focus on activities to raise your consciousness

The Passover moon is the strongest moon of the year

Specifically, here is the Spring Holy Day schedule for 2015 in the Americas/Canada:

NASA Sky Calendar Dates Eastern Time Zone US:

Full Moon

Last Quarter

New Moon

Total Solar Eclipse

Vernal Equinox

First Quarter

Partial Lunar Eclipse

Full Moon


Calculation Method to identify the start of Passover:

First full moon following Spring Equinox = Apr 4th, 2015…
Sundown directly before that Spring  Equinox Full Moon = Sundown in Apr 3rd, 2015…

Passover 2015 starts at Sundown on April 3rd, 2015

Note: Jewish Tradition is that the day starts at sundown... so that is why we back up to the sundown on the day of the Spring Equinox Full Moon to set when Passover starts. Essentially that Sundown is the start of the Full Moon day.

Special Observation for 2015 Passover: 
It is interesting that there is a Solar Eclipse on the same day at the Spring Equinox and a Lunar Eclipse on the same day at the Passover Full Moon. This does not occur every Passover.  Is there significance to this unusual event?

For time zones outside of the Americas/Canada but in the Northern Hemisphere (ie: Europe)… please use the websites below to confirm your correct lunar schedule.

For those in the Southern Hemisphere, it is completely opposite (ie: Autumn in the Northern Hemisphere is Spring in the Southern Hemisphere)! See this Nazirene Library post for further information:

Be careful, some printed calendars and websites are not accurate on lunar dates. Here are a couple of websites to use as a reference: 

Further References:

Old Testament:  Exodus

Gospel of the Nazirenes:  Passover references specifically starting with Chapter 69

Allan’s  Easter-vs-Passover page:

TheWay Online Library Posts:

Cosmos Primer 101:
What are the equinox and moon phases?    Why are they important for the Seasons and Holy Days?:

      New Beginning (RH)  =  New Moon at Autumn Equinox    =  Negative Cycle

      Passover                    =       Full Moon at Spring Equinox  =  Positive Cycle

The equinox is a point of balance in the earth since the sun is passing over the earth’s equator, thus making day and night equal. We have 2 earth equinox events a year, Spring and Autumn.

Think of the Autumn Equinox as menstruation in the earth (negative cycle) and the Spring Equinox as ovulation (positive cycle).

At Passover, the significance of the Full Moon at the Spring Equinox is that the earth is in balance, going into the positive, and the moon phase is full, a corresponding positive. The male and female are in union.

The Spring Equinox marks the start of the positive cycle as earth is tilted toward the sun with equal days and nights. And the moon is also in its positive cycle at Passover when it is a full moon thus fully reflecting the sun’s light.

While it is the sun (male) that has the life-giving light, it is the moon (feminine) that controls the movements of the tides and currents of the earth. While on a physical level, the third force is the interaction that can be seen as a child born of the male/female union, whatever is in the physical is an allegorical representation of higher truths of the mind and spirit.   And in the allegory of the male/female interaction on a physical level of being, the male is the constant -- always seen in the constant of the sun -- always seen in the constant desire for sex.   It is the feminine that controls everything.   The feminine always moves in cycles -- i.e., intuitive/reflective.  These cycles are at the heart of everything!  

Males generate electricity by a constant magnetic force with a revolving armature (feminine) that produces electricity by breaking the lines of force in the magnetized field.   All of life can be viewed in this fashion by seeing it at a slower rate of movement.   Moreover, even your breath is a interaction between the higher mind that is in the Etheric as it cycles in and out of the body changing the polarity from negative to positive.   But it is important to understand that while the constant (male) is necessary for everything to exist, it is the form and the cyclic movement (feminine) that brings it forth.  

Just as there are seasons in earthly weather… there are also seasons in terms of spirituality.The key underlying concept on the timing for Holy Day is to observe them during the matched cosmic cycles.

This is an open window cosmically where there is balance and momentum …so observing the proper movement at the proper time externally (cosmic) as well as internally provides a rare spiritual growth opportunity that only a few people take advantage of.

Day / Night
Sun / Moon
Positive / Negative
Masculine / Feminine